Death on the Nile
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Manufacturer: Agatha Christie
Brand: Mystery
Brew: Audiobook
Steeping Time: 8 hours 14 minutes
Tea Service: Personal Choice
Synopsis: The tranquility of a luxury cruise along the Nile was shattered by the discovery that Linnet Ridgeway had been shot through the head. She was young, stylish, and beautiful. A girl who had everything . . . until she lost her life.
Hercule Poirot recalled an earlier outburst by a fellow passenger: “I’d like to put my dear little pistol against her head and just press the trigger.” Yet under the searing heat of the Egyptian sun, nothing is ever quite what it seems.

Agatha Christie narrated by Kenneth Branagh? Give it to me. Now.
I love mysteries, so it’s no wonder that I adore Agatha Christie. She is the queen of mystery and I never turn down a chance to read one of her novels. I was searching for something to listen to that wasn’t a true crime podcast, and while scrolling through Libby, I came across Death on the Nile, narrated by Kenneth Branagh. Does it still contain murder? Yes. But at least it’s not quite as dark? Since it’s fiction? That’s what I told myself, at least.
Death on the Nile is a Hercule Poirot novel that follows the great detective as he vacations on a river boat that is sailing down the Nile. Naturally, that goes poorly. Before we even get to the ship, or the Nile, we are introduced to a host of characters and are given a front-row seat to some of their past dealings with one another. And then, once we get to the boat, all hell breaks loose.
In true Agatha Christie form, the pace is brisk and consistent throughout, and practically any passenger could have committed the murder aboard the ship.
For as much as I love a good whodunit, I’m terrible at solving them. This time, however, I had the answer just about the same time Poirot did, which felt like a win for me. The pieces of the puzzle slot perfectly and satisfyingly into place, just as a great mystery should.
One thing I love about Agatha Christie is that each of her characters has a story, no matter how small or background they feel. They all feel fully fleshed out and not just thrown in as filler. That’s one of the reasons her mysteries work so well. You can believe anyone could be the killer because you know enough about them all to understand their potential motive. It does wonders for keeping the tension high and the reader guessing.
I have no complaints about Death on the Nile. I think it’s a great mystery that is very engaging, with vivid characters and a complex plot. Without giving anything away, the ending felt genuine as well. I’ll not go into why, but I found it believable. Maybe chalk it up to all those true crime podcasts.
If you enjoy mysteries or detective novels, definitely pick up Death on the Nile. Or anything by Agatha Christie, for that matter. I highly recommend the audiobook narrated by Kenneth Branagh. He does a phenomenal job at bringing every single character to life, and it makes the story all the more enjoyable. His accents and character voices are spot on! My only complaint is that he hasn’t narrated any other Poirot mysteries. I’d happily listen to all thirty-three if he’d grace us with the gift of them. One can hope!
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