Snowflakes on Silver Cove

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Front cover of the novel Snowflakes on Silver Cove by Holly Martin.

Manufacturer: Holly Martin
Brand: Romance
Brew: Paperback
Steeping Time: 350 pages
Tea Service: Tea and Book Box

Synopsis: Libby Joseph is famous for her romantic Christmas stories. Every December, readers devour her books of falling in love against the magical backdrop of the Christmas season. If only Libby believed in the magic herself…

Struggling to finish her current novel, Libby turns to her best friend and neighbour George Donaldson to cheer her up. But George also needs a bit of support himself. Nervous about getting back into the dating saddle after splitting from his wife, he and Libby strike a deal. She will teach George how to win over the ladies, and Libby will in turn be inspired to inject her novel with a good dose of romance.

As Libby and George explore the beautiful White Cliff Bay on a series of romantic Christmas-themed dates, Libby finds herself having more fun than she’s had in ages and…discovers feelings that she never knew she had for George.

But is it too late? Will George win someone else’s heart or can Libby act like the heroine in one of her stories and reach for her own love under the mistletoe this Christmas?

I chose to read Snowflakes on Silver Cove because it came in my tea and book box from Quaintly and Co. And it was Christmas time. And this was a Christmas book.

It’s not a book I would have typically chosen because I don’t really enjoy romance novels. But I have read two other books by Holly Martin and I liked those, so I jumped right into this one.

Unfortunately, this one didn’t live up to my expectations. While preparing to write this review, I learned that this is the second book in a series, so that might help explain my biggest complaint. If I’m being completely honest, I didn’t like the two main characters, Libby and George. Their relationship felt forced and rushed, and none of it felt even remotely possible. I’m not sure if they make an appearance in the first book or not, but perhaps they have some interactions there that would give more credence to their actions in this book.

I know that this is a silly romance novel that is meant to be fun and lighthearted, but I was looking for any form of actual possibility and I wasn’t finding any.

The saving grace of Snowflakes on Silver Cove was two side characters that I was far more invested in. Seb and Amy have a deeper, more complex friendship-turned-relationship with some actual, real, possible drama. I’d have much rather read an entire book about them. Oddly enough, it seems that their story has nothing at all to do with George and Libby. It’s just two separate storylines that run alongside each other.

I seriously debated giving this a 2 cuppa rating, but I ultimately settled on 3 cuppas because this isn’t my favorite genre, and I might be overly critical. It was a lighthearted, easy read that is set around Christmas and references the holiday throughout. If that sounds like your jam, I’d say give it a go.

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